How to Make a Discord Channel Read Only

Discord is a versatile platform that allows you to create and customize various channels within your servers. Sometimes, you might want to create a read-only channel to share important information without allowing members to send messages. Whether it’s for announcements, rules, or FAQs, setting up a read-only channel is simple. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process in a few easy steps.

Step 1: Server Settings

  1. Open Your Server: Log in to Discord and select the server where you want to create the read-only channel.
  2. Access Server Settings: Right-click on the server’s name in the left sidebar. From the context menu, select “Server Settings.”

Step 2: Create a Text Channel

  1. Navigate to Channels: In the Server Settings menu, click on the “Channels” tab located on the left.
  2. Create Channel: Under the “Text Channels” section, click the “+ Create Channel” button.
  3. Configure Channel: Give your channel a name, such as “Announcements” or “Read-Only,” so that members can easily identify its purpose.
  4. Permissions: In the “Permissions” section, you’ll configure who can access and interact with the channel. By default, the “@everyone” role has permissions to send messages.

Step 3: Adjust Channel Permissions

  1. Edit Permissions: To make the channel read-only, you’ll need to adjust the permissions for the “@everyone” role.
  2. Click “@everyone”: In the “Roles/Members” section, find the “@everyone” role and click on it.
  3. Toggle Send Messages: Locate the “Send Messages” permission and toggle it off. This prevents members from sending messages in the channel.
  4. Save Changes: After toggling off the “Send Messages” permission, remember to click the “Save Changes” button to apply the new permissions.

Step 4: Optional – Configure Additional Permissions

Depending on your needs, you might want to adjust other permissions to fine-tune the read-only experience:

  • Read Messages: Ensure that the “Read Messages” permission is still enabled so that members can view the channel’s content.
  • Embed Links, Attach Files, etc.: Consider which additional permissions you’d like to enable or disable based on the content you’ll be sharing.

Step 5: Announce the Read-Only Channel

Let your members know about the new read-only channel:

  1. Mention in Announcements: If you have another active channel like “general” or “announcements,” you can make a post there to inform members about the new read-only channel.
  2. Pin the Message: Once you make the announcement, pin the message to the channel so that it remains visible.

Step 6: Add Content

Now that your read-only channel is set up, you can start adding content such as announcements, rules, guidelines, or any other information you want to share with your community.

Creating a read-only channel on Discord is a straightforward process that ensures important messages are communicated clearly while preventing unnecessary conversations. By following this guide, you can effectively create a read-only channel that meets your server’s needs.