How to Turn off Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Discord

If you want to turn off Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Discord, you can do so either for yourself (so you won’t hear it) or for an entire server (if you have the necessary permissions). Here’s how you can do both:

1. Turn off TTS for Yourself:

  1. Open Discord.
  2. At the bottom left, click on the gear icon to open User Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, under the “App Settings” section, click on Text & Images.
  4. Scroll down until you find the Text-to-Speech section.
  5. Here, you’ll see an option that says “Allow playback and usage of /tts command.” Toggle this option off.

This will prevent TTS messages from being played for you, but other users can still send and hear them.

2. Turn off TTS for an Entire Server:

Note: For this, you must have the “Manage Messages” permission in the server or channel where you want to disable TTS.

  1. In the server where you want to disable TTS, go to a channel or the server name at the top left.
  2. Click on the channel settings (gear icon) if you’re adjusting a specific channel or on the server name and then “Server Settings” for the entire server.
  3. If adjusting a specific channel:
    • Go to Permissions.
    • Under the Roles/Members section, select the role or member you want to adjust permissions for.
    • Find and disable the “Send TTS Messages” permission.
    If adjusting for the entire server:
    • Go to Roles under “Server Settings.”
    • Select the role you want to adjust permissions for.
    • Disable the “Send TTS Messages” permission.

Now, users with the specified roles will not be able to send TTS messages in the channels or server where you’ve disabled the permission.

Remember, turning off TTS for the entire server only prevents users from sending TTS messages. If they’re in a different server where TTS is allowed, they can still send and hear TTS messages there.