How to Report Someone on Discord

In the ever-evolving world of online communities, maintaining a safe and respectful environment is paramount. Discord, as one of the leading platforms for community engagement, provides users with tools to ensure this environment. Understanding how to report someone on Discord is crucial for users seeking to contribute to the platform’s safety. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that you know how to take action when necessary.

**Introduction to Discord**

Before diving into the reporting process, it’s essential to understand what Discord is. Discord is a communication platform designed for creating communities ranging from gaming groups to educational cohorts. It allows users to communicate via voice calls, video calls, text messaging, and sharing media and files in private chats or as part of communities known as “servers.”

**Why Reporting is Important**

The importance of reporting on Discord cannot be overstated. With millions of users interacting daily, the potential for misuse or harmful behavior is significant. Reporting helps the Discord team identify and take action against violations of their [Community Guidelines]( and [Terms of Service](, which include harassment, hate speech, threats, and other forms of misconduct.

**How to Report Someone on Discord**

### 1. Understanding Discord’s Reporting Requirements

To report someone on Discord, you need specific information to help the Discord team take appropriate action. This includes the user ID, message link, server ID, and a description of the violation. Discord requires these details to accurately locate and review the content in question.

### 2. Enabling Developer Mode to Get IDs

Before you can report, you must enable Developer Mode to obtain IDs:

– Open Discord settings by clicking on the gear icon near your username at the bottom.
– Navigate to the ‘Appearance’ tab, scroll down to ‘Advanced’, and toggle ‘Developer Mode’ on.

Once enabled, you can right-click on a username, message, or server name to copy their respective IDs.

### 3. Reporting Directly Through Discord

For content that violates Discord’s guidelines:

– **For Messages**: Right-click the message > Click ‘Copy Message Link’.
– **For Users**: Right-click the user’s name > Click ‘Copy ID’.
– **For Servers**: Right-click the server icon > Click ‘Copy ID’.

After gathering the necessary information, visit Discord’s [official report form]( Fill out the form with the details of the incident, including the IDs you’ve collected, and submit your report.

### 4. Contacting Server Moderators

In many cases, contacting a server’s moderators can be the fastest way to address an issue. Moderators have the power to remove messages, mute, kick, or ban users from their servers. You can usually find moderators listed at the top of the server’s user list or mentioned in the server’s rules or welcome messages.

### 5. Using External Reporting Tools

For issues that extend beyond Discord’s platform, such as threats of harm or illegal activities, it may be necessary to contact local authorities. Discord cooperates with law enforcement and can provide information as part of official investigations when legally requested.

**What Happens After Reporting?**

After submitting a report, the Discord team will review the content against their guidelines. Due to privacy reasons, Discord may not share the outcome of their investigation. However, they are committed to investigating all reports and taking appropriate actions to maintain a safe environment.

**Tips for Safe Discord Use**

– **Familiarize yourself with Discord’s Community Guidelines.**
– **Be cautious about the information you share online.**
– **Utilize server moderation tools like roles and permissions to control access and behavior within your communities.**
– **Educate yourself on Discord’s privacy settings and adjust them according to your comfort level.**


Knowing how to report someone on Discord is an essential skill for all users, contributing to the platform’s safety and community well-being. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing Discord’s reporting tools, you can help maintain a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone. Remember, a safe community is a collective responsibility, and your actions play a crucial role in achieving it.

For further information and resources, visit Discord’s [Help Center]( or consult their [Safety Center](

**Additional Resources**

– [Discord Community Guidelines](
– [Discord Terms of Service](
– [Discord Safety Center](
– [Official Discord Report Form](

This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge to act against inappropriate behavior on Discord effectively. By taking these steps, you contribute to a safer, more inclusive online community