Mastering the Game: Organizing and Formatting for Discord RPGs

When orchestrating a role-playing game (RPG) on Discord, it’s crucial to structure your channels effectively and adopt a consistent formatting style. While approaches may vary, the following guidelines can significantly enhance your gaming experience:

Channel Organization:

  • Dedicated Dice Rolling Channel: Separate the rolling of dice from the role-playing (RP) or main table channel to avoid clutter. Players can mention their roll outcomes in their gameplay posts, or you can check the rolls yourself. The former method is recommended for smoother gameplay.
  • Dice Bot Practice Channel: Allocate a channel for players to familiarize themselves with the dice bot, allowing them to experiment and learn without disturbing ongoing game activities.
  • Out-of-Game Discussion Channel: Set up a general chat channel for non-game related conversations, enhancing the focus in gameplay channels.
  • Private Player Channels: Create individual channels for each player, providing a space for one-on-one discussions within the server, thus reducing reliance on direct messages.
  • Informational Channels: Utilize separate channels to share game-critical information like Non-Player Characters (NPCs) lists, lore, item details, etc.

Formatting Guidelines:

  • Dialogue Formatting: Encourage players to post dialogue in bold quotations for clarity and easy tracking during game sessions.
  • Descriptive Text: Use regular or italicized text for descriptions.
  • Out of Character Communication: Place non-roleplay comments, clarifications, or roll reports within brackets.
  • GM’s Descriptions: As a Game Master, use code blocks, created with triple backticks (“`), to distinguish area descriptions or important narrative text.
  • NPC Tags: Utilize single backticks for creating NPC tags, like Francois "The Wise", to easily identify characters in the narrative.

Additional Tips:

  • Server Nicknames: Encourage players to include both their character and user names in their server nickname, following a consistent format such as “Charactername (Username)” or “Username [Charactername]”.
  • Posting Schedule: Establish a posting expectation, like a common pace of one post per player per day, to maintain game momentum and player engagement.

By following these structured guidelines, your Discord-based RPG can run smoothly, keeping players engaged and ensuring an enjoyable, immersive gaming experience.

If you found this information helpful please share and comment with any questions or issues that we can help you overcome and we will help you to resolve in our next article!
