How to See Deleted Messages on Discord

Discord stands as a vital communication tool in the digital age, catering to gamers, professionals, and various online communities. One of its few limitations, however, is the inability to directly view deleted messages, which can sometimes be crucial for moderation or understanding past conversations. This article explores the methods and tools available to retrieve or view deleted messages on Discord, ensuring that you stay informed and in control of your Discord experience.

  1. Understanding Discord’s Policy on Deleted Messages:
    • Clarify that Discord does not provide a native feature to view deleted messages as it prioritizes user privacy and data deletion policies.
    • Highlight the importance of respecting privacy and ethical considerations when attempting to view deleted messages.
  2. Using Bots for Message Logging:
    • Introduction to bots that offer message logging features (e.g., Dyno, MEE6).
    • Steps to add a logging bot to your Discord server:
      • Obtain the necessary administrative permissions.
      • Choose a reliable bot with message logging capabilities.
      • Follow the bot’s specific instructions for setup and activation.
  3. Setting Up a Logging Channel:
    • How to create a dedicated channel in your Discord server for message logs.
    • Configuring bot settings to send notifications of deleted messages to this channel.
  4. Limitations and Legal Considerations:
    • Discuss the limitations of using bots for this purpose, such as not being able to retrieve messages deleted before the bot was added.
    • Emphasize the importance of adhering to Discord’s terms of service and respecting user privacy.
  5. Best Practices for Discord Server Moderation:
    • Encouraging open communication and setting clear guidelines for server members.
    • Using message logging responsibly and ethically for moderation purposes.


Viewing deleted messages on Discord requires a balance between effective moderation and respecting user privacy. While bots can provide a solution for logging deleted messages, it’s crucial to use these tools responsibly and in line with Discord’s guidelines. Remember, the integrity of your community depends on how you manage and respect its members.

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