How to Get Your Discord Token

Discord user token and bot token are mainly for the developers; even anyone can use it by learning how to get your discord token with few easy steps.

If you want to know how to create or generate a discord token, keep reading below to find the easy steps.

Alert:- Do not share your discord token with anyone as your account can be easily hacked with the token


Table of Content hide

1 What is Discord Token?

2 How to Find your Discord Token – USER

2.1 How to View Discord Token (BOT)


What is Discord Token?

Discord token is a unique code through which a bot can access your account without the discord client.

There are two discord tokens

  1. Discord User 
  2. Discord Bot 

In this article, I am sharing the easy steps to generate the token both for user client and bot.

You need to be logged in to your computer browser like Google Chrome (recommended), as you can’t find the token through the discord application.

How to Find your Discord Token – USER

By following the below steps you can easily view your the token, just make sure you do not share this token with anyone.

1. Open Google Chrome and sign in to your Discord account.

2. Once you are signed in, click on the 3 dots located at the very right-hand top of the Google Chrome browser.

3. From the chrome options, hover up to More Tools and then click on Developer tools. You can also use the shortcut key

  • Windows: – Ctrl + Shift + I short.
  • Mac: – Command⌘+ Option + I

4. Now on the right-hand side developer toolbox will appear, on the very top of that developer tools you will find few tabs, by default it’s on Element through which you can create fake messages.

5. Click on the Application tab, if you don’t find then click on the arrow to find.

6. In the Application, hover up to Storage, double-click on local storage to expand, and then click on This will bring up the new chart of key and value.

7. Click on the filter box and type token and everything will disappear. Look for the Toggle Device toolbar on the very left-hand top of the developer tools or simply press the Ctrl + Shift + M key together.

8.  You can now view your token, just click on it to highlight and then copy the token from the below box.

How to View Discord Token (BOT)           

A Discord Token Bot is a key to access the discord bot and is used inside the bot code to send the commands back and then ahead to the API.

Please follow the steps

1. Visit the discord developer portal by clicking on this link

2. This will bring up the discord developer dashboard and you will see all the bots that you created. But, if you are here for the first time then simply click on the New Application.

3. Crete an application box will come up, type the name for your bot, and click on Create.

4. In the general information, add the profile picture and description to make your bot attractive, once done click on Save Changes.

5. Now navigate to the left-hand panel of settings to find and click on Bot. From the Built-A-Bot click on Add bot and then Yes, do it! to confirm.

6. You will now see a green message of A wild bot that has appeared that indicates that your discord bot has been created.

7. Now on the very right of the profile picture, you can see the token, click on the option Click to Reveal Token to view the token ID.

You can also create a bot to get the bot tag on your name and chat with other people as a bot. To learn more about the discord bot tag and badge click the link to visit the article.


I will warn again, do not share your discord token id with anyone as this is a key to hack the discord account.

You can also visit the YouTube video to see the video explanation of this article, and do not forget to subscribe and share this article and video.

Let me know if you have any issues with this or with discord, I will surely assist you. 

Tags: discord bot tokendiscord token iddiscord user tokenfind discord tokenhow to find your discord tokenhow to get your discord token