Is there a mobile app for Discord, and how does it differ from the desktop version?

Discord’s growing prominence as a multifaceted communication platform is undeniable. While the desktop version remains widely recognized, there’s an increasing number of users transitioning to or incorporating the mobile app into their daily use. If you’ve ever pondered, “Is there a mobile app for Discord, and how does it differ from the desktop version?”, then this guide is perfect for you. Let’s delve in!

Discord Mobile App: An Introduction

Yes, there’s a mobile app for Discord! Designed for both iOS and Android platforms, it allows users to carry their communities, friends, and conversations in their pocket. You can download the app from the App Store (for iOS devices) and Google Play Store (for Android devices).

Key Differences Between the Mobile App and Desktop Version

  1. User Interface: One of the most noticeable differences is the layout. While the desktop version has a broad view with a list of servers on the left, direct messages on the top, and individual channels of a server displayed on a sidebar, the mobile version streamlines this. On mobile, you’ll toggle between servers and individual channels or direct messages by tapping the three horizontal lines (often called the “hamburger” icon).
  2. Streaming and Screen Sharing: As of my last update in September 2021, the mobile app doesn’t allow users to stream games or share their screen like the desktop version. However, mobile users can still view streams initiated by others.
  3. File Upload Limit: Free users on desktop can upload files up to 8MB in size, while Discord Nitro subscribers get an increased limit of 100MB. On mobile, while the limits remain the same, larger files might be more challenging to upload due to mobile data restrictions or storage limitations.
  4. Pop-out Video: On the desktop version, you can pop out video calls or streams into a separate adjustable window. This feature isn’t available on the mobile app, where video occupies the full screen.
  5. Server Management: While you can manage your server settings on both platforms, the desktop version offers a more expansive view and may be more comfortable for detailed server adjustments, especially when dealing with multiple channels, roles, or integrations.
  6. Voice Settings: The desktop version provides more extensive voice settings, allowing for input sensitivity adjustments, voice processing settings, and more. The mobile app offers basic voice settings, focusing more on the essential functionalities.
  7. Notifications: Both versions allow for notification customization, but the mobile app interacts directly with your phone’s notification settings, enabling you to get push notifications for messages or mentions.
  8. Bots and Integrations: While you can interact with bots on both platforms, setting up, managing, or customizing bots is more straightforward and expansive on the desktop version.

When to Use Which Version?

  • Desktop Version: Ideal for intense gaming sessions, streaming, server management, and when you need to multitask.
  • Mobile App: Perfect for on-the-go communication, checking in with your community, voice chats, and quick replies.


The Discord mobile app and desktop version, while offering core similarities, have distinct differences tailored to the strengths of their respective platforms. Depending on your needs, you might find yourself gravitating more towards one than the other. But, with both at your disposal, you can seamlessly stay connected with your communities, no matter where you are. Dive in, explore, and choose the best fit for your Discord journey!