Troubleshooting Voice Connection Issues in Discord

If you’re encountering voice connection problems in Discord, resulting in errors instead of chatting with friends, here’s a structured guide to help you fix these issues.

Understanding the Types of Errors
Voice connection errors in Discord can be broadly classified into two categories based on their origin:

Errors on Your End: Issues like firewall or VPN interferences. Common errors include:
ICE Checking
No Route
RTC Connecting

Resolving Errors on Your End
To address the errors caused by issues on your end, follow these steps:

Restart Everything: Often, simply restarting your Modem, Router, and Computer can fix the issue.
ISP Check: Ensure there are no service outages in your area by contacting your internet service provider.
Firewall/Antivirus Settings: Confirm Discord is either allowlisted or temporarily disable these programs.
VPN Settings: Discord requires VPNs with UDP support. Check your VPN settings.
Network Restrictions: If you’re on a school or work network, verify if Discord is blocked.
Voice Region Adjustment: As an admin, change the voice region in Voice Channel Settings > Overview > Region Override. This can also be done in private voice calls.

When Basic Troubleshooting Doesn’t Work
If the above steps don’t resolve your issue, contact our support team with additional details:

Download Discord’s PTB or Canary Client: Available for both Windows and MacOS.

Capture Console Logs: While in the problematic voice channel/call, open Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I for Windows, ⌥+⌘+I for MacOS), select the Console tab, and take a screenshot of the entire page, including error messages.
Errors on Discord’s End
Awaiting Endpoint Error: This rare error indicates server-side issues. If encountered, it suggests broader service problems.

Final Steps
If none of the solutions work, or you encounter an unlisted issue, reaching out to our support team is essential for further assistance. You can contact us via Twitter or our Support Center to get back to chatting with your friends.