How to Make a Welcome Channel Discord

Building a community on Discord? A welcome channel is your first handshake, your digital “hello” to newcomers. It’s where you set the tone, share the rules, or simply offer a warm greeting. Here’s how you can create a welcome channel that makes every new member feel right at home.

Step 1: Plan Your Welcome Channel

Before diving into Discord, think about what you want in your welcome channel. Will it be for greetings only? Will you include rules or FAQs? A well-planned welcome channel sets the stage for your server’s atmosphere.

Step 2: Create the Channel

Open Discord and navigate to your server. Right-click on the server name or use the ‘+’ icon in your channel list. Select ‘Create Channel’. Choose ‘Text Channel’ and name it appropriately – something like ‘welcome’, ‘start-here’, or ‘greetings’ works well.

Step 3: Set Channel Permissions

Your welcome channel should be visible to everyone, but you might want to limit who can post. In the channel settings, adjust the permissions. Typically, you’d allow everyone to view the channel but restrict message sending to admins or moderators.

Step 4: Craft Your Welcome Message

Now, let your creativity shine. Draft a welcome message that resonates with your community’s vibe. Introduce your server, lay down any rules, and guide new members on what to do next. Use Discord’s formatting options to make your message stand out.

Step 5: Pin Important Messages

If you have key information in your welcome channel, use Discord’s ‘Pin’ feature. This keeps important messages at the top, ensuring they’re not lost in the shuffle.

Step 6: Automate Greetings with Bots

For an extra touch, consider using Discord bots like MEE6 or Dyno. These bots can be set up to send automated welcome messages to newcomers, adding a personal touch without the manual effort.

Step 7: Update Regularly

Keep your welcome channel fresh and relevant. Update it regularly with the latest news, changes in rules, or upcoming events. A current welcome channel shows active and attentive management.


Your welcome channel is more than just a virtual greeting. It’s the starting point of your community’s journey on your server. By following these steps, you’ll create a space that’s inviting, informative, and reflective of the culture you’re building.

Remember, every server is unique, so feel free to tweak these suggestions to best suit your community’s needs. Happy hosting!