Discord Membership Screening

Now you can set up a discord rule membership screening to inform new users about the rules of your discord server.

Previously and so far we used a read-only channel or a bot to set up the rules channel which is really confusing for beginners.

Rules channels are required for all the discord servers to aware of the rules and regulations.

What is Discord Rule Membership Screening?

Discord has launched the Membership streaming tab in the server settings through which you can easily set-up the rules channel with few easy steps.

Rule Screening will ask the new members to agree to your server rules before they can chat and react or DM other users.

I am really happy with this new discord feature of Membership screening and you must set-up this feature today with the below easy steps.

NOTE: You must enable Discord Community to bring the Membership screening tab in the server settings.

How to Setup Discord Membership Rules Screening

Open your discord application on your PC and navigate to the server for which you want to enable the Membership Rule Screening.

Click on the drop-down beside the server name and choose Server Settings.

Now in the left-hand panel, look for the Membership Screening tab. If you don’t find it then you need to enable the discord community first.

Enable Discord Community

NOTE: Skip this part if already enabled

In the server settings, click on the “Enable community” tab and then click on Get Started.

Discord community wizard will now be up, click on “Verified Email required” and “Scan media content from all the members” and then click on Next.

How to enable discord community
How to enable discord community

Now in the Rules or Guidelines channel drop-down, choose the rules channel which you have created and where users can see the rules.

Once done click on Next and then click on “I agree and understand”. You can also make more changes in this section if you want. Click on Finish Setup.

Now you can see the tab of Membership Screening under the community section.

NOTE: Make sure you have verified the email

Set-up Membership Screening________________________

Click on the Membership Screening tab and then on “Set up Membership Screening”.

Discord Rule screening wizard will now be up. Fill in the description of your channel in the description box.

Now scroll down to the bottom and click on Get started.

Here you need to enter the rules for your channel, by default discord basic rules are already given in the example rules.

Click on the example rules to add and you can also add your own rules by clicking on add rules. Once done click on save.

Discord rules template
Discord rules template

You will be back to the membership screening wizard again, click on the blue tab of Enable to start the screening.

Once done you can now see the ✔️green tick that says New members will be screened.

NOTE: Granting a role to any user will bypass this step.

How Users Screening Work

So now when any users join the discord server with membership screening, they will have to accept the rules in order to chat and talk.

If you join any server with discord rule screening enabled, you will be getting the instruction box at the bottom which you need to finish by clicking on Complete.

Once you click on complete, the entire list of server rules will be displayed that you need to agree by clicking on “I have read and agree to the rules”.

Once check click on Submit and you will be now on the server.

Coming Soon

Discord will be launching many more features very soon to the discord rule screening that can be seen under the wizard.

These features are listed under the ADD A QUESTION section which will launch soon and can be added while creating rules.

  • Short Answer
  • Paragraph
  • Multiple Choice
  • Connection
Discord screening coming soon feature
Discord screening coming soon feature

I am sure discord has launched the membership screening for the testing purpose and soon depending on the performance the above options will also be added.

What do you think about these features; please let us know in the comment box.

Rules Bot or Discord Membership Screening

So far we have been using rules bot for the discord server which I would say is a kind of third-party integration and not easy for the beginner to configure.

Discord membership screening on another hand is the default feature of discord and can be set up very easily in a few steps.

Though there should be some more options in membership screening which I guess will be coming soon and will make the perfect option for the rule channel.


I hope you are now aware of discord rule screening and how to setup in a few easy steps.

If you are a  beginner, I would suggest you go with this feature of discord to set up the rules.

If your server is old with huge members I would say to try this feature on a different server first.

Please let me know your feedback about this discord feature.